


About This Webinar

Michaella Huffsmith of Contractor Appointments invites Hatch’s own Aaron Adams to join her on this live webinar to talk with her about the ways to stay ahead of your competition, and they’ll talk through effective strategies for capturing leads in a challenging market.

They will be discussing how to maximize your team’s appointment outcomes to stay ahead of your competitors, how to boost appointment set and issue rates, how to better qualify leads and build value over text to ensure you’re issuing quality appointments, and much more…


  • With fewer leads, how do you beat the competition to the chase.
  • Contact rates are down for calls, how can booking appointments over text help appointment set and issue rates.
  • What innovative strategies are you seeing companies use to improve set and issue rates.
  • How can you qualify leads and build value over text and ensure you’re issuing quality appointments.


Michaella Huffsmith

Director of Sales at Contractor Appointments

Michaella is the Director of Sales at Contractor Appointments. Michaella’s role is to inform contractors of the services offered and help them determine what will be the best fit for their business.
In Michaella’s free time, she enjoys spending time with her family in the great outdoors!

Aaron Adams

Director of Demand Generation

Aaron has been involved in marketing for a decade. Aaron came to Hatch and the
home service industry after a career in real estate marketing.

Whether he’s at an event, plotting a new digital marketing strategy, or scheming within Ads Manager on the next slick marketing campaign, Aaron stays involved with the home
services industry on a daily basis. His expertise has helped thousands of home owners, business owners, and more reach leads faster and close more deals.

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